12/07/2010 Monday
I shall begin by giving thanks to the Lord, praise the Lord for giving me this sense of peace and worthiness, for a fulfilling time continually knowing, trusting and loving the Creator of us all. For I never stopped having Faith in Him, and He never let me down. I've come to know, a relationship with Christ is paramount in grounding a person in life..or at least some sort of a god one respects.. but in my biased opinion, Christ is the best! =P in terms of credibility and historical evidence =) afterall, He IS the way, the Truth, and the Light! xP
Hillsong Conference was last week! Oh man.. it's a shame I didn't end up going! I heard good things about it from churchies and Hillsong News. They gave out huge poster kind of pamphlet. T.D Jakes in the house, i mean, c'mon! I think I should get the DVD to see it for myself. Not to worry, 2011 will be bigger and better =D haha.
Church was awesome last Sunday, it touched my heart and soul. The Holy Spirit settled within me as I raise my hand in Worship to the Mighty God, singing out loud Hallelujah...! How Great is Our God!~
Something freaky happened...when Pastor Nathan got us to raise our hands to pray for these particular people in need, a stark warmth/heat radiated from my hand! It was freaky, but I believe it is God's way of speaking to us and the way people/church can congregate to become so powerful and strong. With Him, all things are possible.
For the most part, I wanted to share with you all what Duncan preached with us today. It was a strong message that every single person can take on board, and really apply it to their life. I believe that every message given to us, is a means used by our Father God to portray all that He desires, and what He wants us to know in our lives, through the Word. Todays message/sermon really impacted and touched me.
Duncan used this analogy of adventure movies, somehow the hero always finds himself facing a trap, like the chess pieces manouvered to 'check', the villain manages to get you contained with no where else to go. As humans, we find ourselves the same.. trapped.. but it always seem as though we didn't anticipate it. Did we know that the move we made last year is affecting us now?, that we could actually fall into that trap? But with every trap set, there always seems to be a snare... What is a snare? It is like bait...a sense of temptation. There is another important characteristic with traps, are that the bait is always CAMOUFLAGED (it's hidden!) We can't see it, or hear it. It's there but we don't know it is because it's hidden. If we knew it was there, we would avoid it right? However, with a series of bad choices made, perhaps impulsive spending, or gambling, lack of exercise, putting off paying bills ... A series of excuses that could make us blind to that SNARE, that TRAP, possibly resulting oneself in bankruptcy, messed up families, or even poor health and wellbeing, so on and so forth,.
Who knew that there are three simple solutions to prevent us falling into the trap! It's so easy that everyone can know and use!:
1. Be alert
2.Learn Wisdom
3. Master oneself
1. Be alert
2 Corinthians 2:11 (NLT)
so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familar with his evil schemes.
Know and understand that there is an evil presence around. Many people assume or don't even know simply the fact that in this world, there is an evil presence that surrounds us, waiting to prey on us, waiting to drag us down the traps at our vulnerable state. Satan is trying to outwit us, he is the one setting up the traps and schemes to catch us. But we are not unaware of Satan's schemes.
2. Learn Wisdom
The greatest thing in life is knowing knowledge, applying it to oneslife so that they can become a better person for God. Wisdom is the ability to anticipate the consequences of your own actions. That if I keep buying impulsively this way, I'm not going to have much money left in my bank account, that if I keep heading this way, I know that it's going to make it much harder for me to support myself with the necessities in life.
3. Master oneself
The ability to say 'NO' to immediate desires. Knowing and understanding oneself is so valuable so you know not to put yourself in that situation or you know how to juggle what you want now, to what you need in the future.
Know your strenghts and weaknesses. Weaknesses especially. A personal experience Duncan shared with us was, he use to get home from work everyday feeling a bit tired, so he surfed the internet, he'd end up finding himself viewing some inappropriate websites. Duncan soon realised that if you know that being in a particular situation is going to lead you to do something un-Holy, sinful. It's simple- don't put yourself in that situation- problem solved! In Duncan's case, just don't go online! If you get rid of the source, consequently, you will not commit the sin. It's as simple as that! He found alternatives to spending time, such as reading a book. Soon he found that he never went onto those inappropriate websites anymore. He didn't put himself into a situation where he would get controlled by temptation. In another example, if you wanted to start your fitness regime, go to the gym! Instead of sitting around at home and use excuses.
Unfortunately, we are ALL born with this sin-nature. We can't help but me lured into traps and get fed on with temptation. However, throughout our life, we will be transformered to become more God-like. The Bible states that we will be reborn.
Hebrews 12:11 (NLT)
No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
Though it may be hard now to fight temptation, but eventually the blessings will flow to those who know to outwit the evil. :)
I would like to thank those who contributed to my life being completely changed with Christ: my dearest Elvis, Jacquie, Lisette other sisters and bros and most of all God Himself =) Love you all!